Dear athlete, volunteer and supporter of Challenge Geraardsbergen,
To our great regret we have to bring you the message that Challenge Geraardsbergen Half Distance will not take place in 2024!
For the swimming part we can count on the Gavers lake in the Provincial Domain, for the running part we have plenty of possibilities in Geraardsbergen, but for the cycling course we are no longer welcome in our neighbouring municipalities Herne and Galmaarden, despite previous commitments. So we get no longer permission to send our cycling course across their territory. The impact for our organisation is huge and a cancellation is inevitable.
We looked long and hard for an alternative route, but did not find a solution where we can offer our athletes the same quality and safety as on our current course.
So, by necessity, we are taking a sabbatical year with our middle distance race and start working on a solution for the 2025 edition.
In 2024, however, we will re-commit to our side events! The open-water swimming race Challenge Swim and our cycling challenge event 3hrs De Muur will continue.
We will also introduce our Cross Traithlon in 2024 which will include a 1/4 and 1/8 distance.