Dear Athlete, volunteer or partner,

As a result of the current, worldwide health crisis, we see no other option than to cancel the race of June 7, 2020. Under all circumstances, we wish to prioritise the health of athletes, volunteers, employees and visitors.

This decision was far from easy to make. However, considering the current circumstances and the international nature of our race, including approximately 1000 athletes from 32 different countries, this is the only right choice.

For instance, the current situation results in the fact that in Belgium, there is no possibility to swim in swimming pools until April 19 and probably even May 3. This severely impacts the possibilities to prepare for the event.


Not only does this have large consequences for the aspect of sports, but also for the organizational and economical aspects. There has, for example, been made a large investment on personalized materials, manhours, technology and licences for the 2020 edition. Although we do not know the exact size of these costs yet, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on our organization.

What now?

Despite the undeniable case of force majeure, we are experiencing now, we insist on thinking about our athletes first. #Allabouttheathlete

We offer every registered participant to transfer the registration to a slot for our race in 2021. We will keep organizing the event during the same time of year. The exact date will be announced later. Challenge Geraardsbergen will bear all the costs for the transfers. The athlete will not be charged.

As a participant, you do not have to do anything for this transfer.

Date 2021?

At the moment, there is no new date yet. However, we strive to organize the race during the same time of year. We hope to announce a new date before mid-May, 2020.

Postponing our event has been an option for a long time. However, the uncertainty towards the right date as well as the respect towards other planned events this fall have led to our decision to look forward to 2021 from here.

Withdraw with an insurance:

Athletes that purchased a cancellation insurance during registration and do not wish to transfer their slot to 2021, will be paid back according to the regulations. 100% of the participation fee will be returned. The booking fee (+/- €16, paid to an external company) and the insurance fee (€20) will not be returned.

In case you want to purchase a cancellation insurance for 2021 for €20 you need to address this, as well.


Although the insurance entitles 50% refund after March 31, we will pay 100% of the participation fee back after March 31, as well.

If you wish to make use of this policy, you can inform us  (before June 7, 2020) on http://www.challenge-geraardsbergen.be/refund After June 7, we will automatically transfer your slot to 2021.

Withdraw without an insurance:

Athletes that did not purchase a cancellation insurance and do not wish to transfer their slot to 2021 were also taken into consideration. We offer them the following:

We cannot refund the booking fee (+/- €16, paid to an external company)

To keep it as fair as possible for the athletes that already bought a cancellation insurance, athletes without an insurance can purchase one for €20, as well. Administrative costs of €30 will be added to this fee. We will return the amount of money that is left.

We have decided to do this as a tribute to our athletes and as thanks for the trust these athletes have put in the brand of Challenge Family.

Once more: keeping the registration and transferring it to 2021 is free of charge.

Unless you purchase a cancellation insurance, after June 7, 2020, cancellation is not possible for 2021.

If you wish to make use of this policy, you can inform us  (before June 7, 2020) on http://www.challenge-geraardsbergen.be/refund After June 7, we will automatically transfer your slot to 2021.

In case you want to support our organization during these tough times, you can also ask for a partial refund of the registration fee.

We think we have offered a reasonable solution for every registered athlete without endangering the future of our race. Because that is our first priority now. Giving you the opportunity to enjoy what you expect in 2021. A high quality race on the highest international level!

Finally, we wish to thank you for the overwhelming expressions of support that we have received the last couple of days and we hope to see all of you at the SKODA Challenge Geraardsbergen 2021.

Keep it safe and healthy!

Team Challenge Geraardsbergen.